Thursday, March 19, 2009

Shameless Scoundrels

Further to John Galt's comment regarding Chris Dodd . . . from today on

"Last night, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd added to the criticism, saying he weakened a provision dealing with executive pay and bonuses in last month’s stimulus legislation at the request of the Obama administration.

The Connecticut Democrat had proposed restrictions on executive compensation at companies that received money from the government’s financial-rescue fund. It was changed as the legislation was negotiated between the House and Senate.

“I did not want to make any changes to my original Senate- passed amendment but I did so at the request of administration officials,” Dodd said in an e-mailed statement. "

Nice job, Chris. You're a stand-up guy. NOT!

The rats are jumping ship . . . already. President Obama has been in office for, what, 8 weeks, and already the scoundrels in Congress are abandoning him. Because the heat has gotten too high and they value their own skins more than solidarity with a new President trying to deal with the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression.

These are our Nation's leaders? This is as good as it gets?

Remind me again why we put up with this level of public servant? Chris Dodd has been in the Congress since 1975. Why? Why do we keep re-electing people like this? Again, we deserve what we get if we keep re-electing people who never take responsibility for their actions and are not held accountable for anything.

Toss 'em all out. Let's start fresh. Keep dreaming . . .



  1. Have you seen today's news? The House just passed a bill RETROACTIVELY taking any bonuses over $250k from any individual who works for a company that received over $5 billion in TARP money. So, a mid-level trader who makes 500k in New York will have to pay 90% tax back to the govt on 250k. The most hazardous of all morals. By the way, Congressman Kirk incredulously voted FOR this legislation. I already called his office.

  2. Passing legislation like this, in the heat of the moment, will come back to bite them.
