Monday, March 9, 2009

GAZA WAR: UN School "Massacre" Update

(NOTE: I am re-printing a piece from a February 16 posting because it merits repeating. In the ensuing three weeks since, I have seen not a single article in any Western news outlet on this subject, which just confirms the last sentence below . . . sadly.)

Excerpt from February 16, 2009 posting . . .

Remember during the Gaza War, there was a news story about a UN School that was hit by Israeli artillary? At the time, news reports indicated that 42 civilians, including lots of children, were killed there. At the time, it was reported that the Israeli attack was unprovoked. International outrage at Israel's "disproportionate" response peaked after this story was reported.

Then, a few weeks after the incident, it turns out that there were witnesses in Gaza who came forward and testified that there was a Hamas mortar crew firing from right next to the school. And, questions were raised about the number of casualties at that time. Now, there is another story about this incident. Turns out that the latest estimate is that there were not 42, but 12 people killed at the school, and 9 of them were Hamas operatives. And, that the Israeli shells did not actually hit the school, but outside the school where the mortars were being fired from. Israel is providing the names and ages of the casualties in Gaza, to set the historical record straight. It is hard to dispute when you have the facts in hand.

But, you won't find this story on the front page of the New York Times, or the Guardian in London . . . nope. It would create too much egg on their faces to report this story. Just let the lie live, and save face.

All for now,


1 comment:

  1. Yet I am sure you saw the story about US aid going to Gaza? Is that were US humanitarian dollars are best spent?
