Monday, June 28, 2010

Joe Biden is a jerk . . .

Today, Joe Biden was confronted by a citizen at Kopp's Custard Shop in Milwaukee who dared . . . express an opinion on the fiscal state of the country by asking the Veep to lower our taxes. Biden's reply was a testy "Say something nice for a change instead of being such as smartass . . ."

What a jerk. Seems like any time a citizen says anything real, they get marginalized or discounted by our elected officials. When citizens express an opinion that is other than adulation for our elected officials, they are turned into ogres. This happened with last Summer's Town Hall meetings, when our Congressmen stopped having Town Hall meetings because they did not want to hear from us. And, it is happening to the Tea Party activists. They are labeled as racists or zenophobes by our leaders instead of taken seriously, and listened to, as any citizen should be. Our politicians simply do not want any lip from us.

This is the height of arrogance. And, again, it exhibits the tin ears that this Administration has for feedback from the populace. Whenever there is something said that they don't want to hear, they ignore it, they discount it and they seek a way to try to de-legitimize it. Same pattern, over and over again. (This is especially true with our President, but that's another blog post altogether.)

Once again . . . please vote for the challenger, whatever the party. In practice, this will mean voting GOP a lot of the time, but so be it. We need to remove from office as many incumbents as possible. And, send a very strong message that these people cocooned in Washington work for us . . . not the other way around.


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