Saturday, April 17, 2010

SEC's Goldman Suit Smacks of Politics

I have been as vocal a critic as any about some of the ways that Goldman Sachs has benefited from Government bailouts over the last 18 months, but this SEC action, in the midst of the White House's legislative push to pass a financial regulations bill, just seems to me to be all about politics.

Plausibly deniable, we may never know (or at least we may not know until someone writes a book about it a year from now) if the prosecutors were influenced by the politicians to wage a public war against the most prominent survivor on Wall Street. It just seems to be too coincidental and I, for one, just don't believe in coincidence.

And, if it turns out to be true then, shame on the White House, the Democratic Congressional leadership and shame on the SEC Commissioner. Because they are messing with the reputation of one of our country's leading financial firms. And, the reputations of individuals. Once tainted, reputations are hard to restore.

I have no idea what actually happened, but this sort of fits a pattern with this President. He wants things the way he wants things and he wants them that way NOW. He is a bit of a bully and he doesn't like taking "no" for an answer. Sometimes these are good traits in a leader. But, not when the legal proceedings of our country's law enforcement agencies are applied inappropriately.

Time will tell if this was a political prosecution, or not.

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