Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tin Ears and Arrogance

An interesting phenomena is happening now across the country. Congressmen are going home on recess and having town hall meetings, where they are soliciting comments from their constituents on the health care legislation now before Congress. These town hall meetings usually have a nice, civil tone in which the adoring public (usually mostly made up of campaign contributors and supporters of the politicians) praises the Congresspeople for their wonderful deeds, and asks for things for the local community.

These more recent meetings, however, have been filled with discontent (to say the least), rancor, disrespect for the politicians and fear. People are afraid of the change that is being talked about in Washington. They have read about it and they don't like what they are reading. And, they are letting their elected officials know they are unhappy by telling them to their face, and laughing at them while they try to sell their plans (because everyone knows they are lying about the financial impact of the legislation, and they know they will pay for these lies). And, it turns out that America's elected officials don't like getting lip from their constituents. They much prefer the praise they have been receiving at these meetings.

The reaction of (mostly) Democratic political leaders has been the dangerous part, not the public's reaction to the legislation. The politicians are quick to write off the reaction they are getting as being orchestrated somehow by the Republican "Right". This is a big mistake and illustrates how far these politicians have drifted from the electorate. And, they proceed with their legislation at their own peril.

The problem for the Dem Leadership stems from the fact that they operate in their Washington cocoon, which is so very well insulated from the viewpoints of actual citizens (see for yourself how hard it is as an actual, concerned citizen, to get an audience with an elected official - they won't see you unless your name is affixed to a five digit check to their campaign). So, when they come face to face with real people (who, nominally, are their bosses), and when those people tell them things they don't want to hear, they think to themselves "there must be an explanation for this that absolves me of any responsibility". And, then they trot out the Boogie Man Right-Wing Conspiracy.

Time for politicians to pay attention to their constituents and listen to what they have to say.


  1. There are two reasons healthcare reform, which is critical to our economic well-being and more so every decade we put it off, is on the rocks. First, the Democratic leadership has not been united and pragmatic. Even Obama has done a poor job communicating the plan. Second, and mostly what is the driving the fear, is the outright lying by Republicans about what proposed legislation will do. Listen to Palin, Rep. Fox (TX), Cantor and the other leaders rants. They are outrageous fabrications, and they're keying in on the fear from the Birthers to re-invigorate the old Southern Strategy to fan the flames. The GOP is mostly scared that if the Democrats deliver needed healthcare reform, they will be in the minority for the next generation. There is no care for people's suffering, no care for personal bankruptcies, no care for cost control (they voted for Medicare Part D ($450billion) and a war of choice (which will cost 2 trillion)). That's what is really going on, make no mistake about it.

  2. This is a common political tactic being over-used by Nancy Pelosi, the President and the Democrat leadership right now; de-legitimize the opposition by attributing to them characteristics that people generally find abhorent. So, now the "lies" of the Republicans explain why there is so much anger and fear about how the legislation will change peoples' lives?

    Sorry, I don't buy it.

    The problem for the President is that neither he, nor the legislators, have been willing to have an honest conversation about health care. We do have a national problem that needs to be addressed. But, it will take sacrifices from the American People to solve this problem (and not just the rich American People; all of the American People). You can't pretend these sacrifices don't exist because people know better, and this makes them feel like Barack is a snake-oil salesman as a result. People understand intuitively that they are going to end up paying in the form of higher taxes (no matter what Obama says) and in the form of less health care (because the American People are not stupid, and it is a major political mistake to assume they are).

    They know we are spending more than we take in. A lot more. They know this is not sustainable. And, they don't believe the politicians when they say the health care legislation won't cost them a dime (or, is "revenue neutral"). Why should they believe legislators who don't read the bills before they vote on them?

    Lastly, I also think that to assume that this opposition is somehow related to a desire to see Obama fail is a rather narcissistic way to look at the Universe. It isn't all about Barack. Sorry. Generally, people who have health insurance, like it. And, they are afraid it is being taken away from them.
