Saturday, October 23, 2010

We ARE becoming Western Europe . . .

Did you know that private companies in the Chicago area are having a hard time filling $12 to $14 per hour jobs? They are being told by job applicants that it is not worth it for them to get off unemployment to take those jobs. Because the incremental after tax income provided by taking those good paying jobs is not enough to incent them to get off the dole. Employers are being told this by job applicants. No shame. Just the facts. "I am better off staying on unemployment than taking your job" so, I choose to stay unemployed.

This is a bad sign, people.

We are becoming Western Europe. And, to remind you . . . that is not a good thing. It comes with all sorts of tradeoffs in the form of lower growth, less opportunity, more state control, less innovation, more smothering regulations . . . just ask anyone who has considered opening an office in Germany or France.

Our system of economic incentives is slipping into the wrong direction. We are providing people with incentives NOT to work by extending unemployment coverage to two years. And, people are making rational choices not to take jobs, which is not helping to reduce unemployment.

Of course, it is simplistic to suggest that this means that this fully explains our unemployment problem. But it is emblematic of the root problem and comes from the same cause. An over-active Government and national leadeship who believes that Government can, and should, solve all, or most, of our pressing problems. An expansive view of Government and its role in our economy and society. Distrust of private enterprise and the free markets. Too much faith in the power of regulation to solve problems. Too little faith in economic incentives.

We are sinking down the rabbit hole, faster and faster with every passing month.

Please . . . vote . . . GOP . . . this . . . cycle.

Our Country's future is at stake. We need to restore balance in Washington.


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