Monday, January 18, 2010


Now that the polls are uncertain as to whether the Dems will hold onto the Senate seat in Massachusetts in the special election tomorrow, Senate Dem leadership is shifting into high gear to try to convince House Dem leadership to pass the Senate bill as is, with no changes. If the House does that, then the bill will not need to go back to the Senate for another vote. Which means, the Congress can pass the Health Care legislation without having to worry about whether the Massachusetts Senate seat is Democratic or Republican.

But, paradoxically, it is increasingly clear that a central reason why the GOP candidate is even in the race in Massachusetts at all is because he is running against the Health Care legislation. So, in order to circumvent what is apparently strong public sentiment against the legislation in what is possibly the most liberal state in the country, the Congressional Democrat leadership's response is to hurry up and try to get this damn thing passed quickly, before the public can do anything about it.


Is this representative government or is this the House of Lords? Do these people work for us, or the other way around? I was under the distinct impression that this is not how this thing, known as the U.S. Congress, is supposed to work. It is called the "House of Representatives" for a reason. They are supposed to "represent" us.

If the Congress finalizes this legislation in the face of popular opposition, look for their approval rating to sink to . . . well, you can't get much lower than it is now, but expect it to go down more.


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