Monday, December 28, 2009

"Leg Bomber" Thwarted . . . by Luck and Courage

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

That's the name of the alleged Delta Airlines Leg Bomber. He didn't quite get the job done for Al Kayda (sp) this time around. Here's to hoping that those that follow him are equally incompetent.

But, what is more incompetent is how this sorry excuse for a terrorist was permitted to get on a plane bound for the U.S. anyway. Let us review the facts that we know. There are other, more damning facts we don't yet know, I am sure, but here's what we know right now.

1. His father called the U.S. Embassy one month ago and informed Embassy staff that he thought his son's radical Islamic views were a danger to the U.S. and urged the U.S. to watch out for him. That's a pretty strong warning. The guy's Dad calls. Maybe that kind of warning should get more attention, perhaps?

2. His name (not exactly a household name, mind you), was subsequently added to the Terror Watchlist, maintained by U.S. Intelligence agencies.

3. He bought his plane ticket with cash (Hello? CASH!!!)

4. He did not check any bags from Lagos, Nigeria to Detroit, Michigan. Zero. Zip. Nada. Not a bag. Have you ever been on a flight from a place like Lagos to any city in the U.S? Let's just say, there's a lot of luggage, per passenger. Yet this guy pays cash and then shows up at the airport with no luggage. Gets on the plane, no problem.

No bags and paid in cash. Those two facts ALONE should have kept this guy from getting on a U.S. bound plane. Yet, he was also on a Terror Watchlist. What exactly does one do with a Terror Watchlist if one doesn't watch out for the people on said Watchlist?

Please explain to me what Janet Nepolitano meant when she said "the system worked". What system was she referring to? The inflight video system? I am hardpressed to see how one can come to the conclusion that the security apparatus of the U.S., or the coordinated global airline security procedures, distinguished themselves in this case. Question: is Janet Nepalitano the right person for Homeland Security if she thinks this is an example of a success?

The only reason we are not looking at footage of scraps of aluminum and suitcases strewn about the suburbs of Detroit is luck. Pure luck, a little incompetence a couple of courageous passengers.

Not very inspiring, is it?


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