Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And Now for Something Completely Different

Yesterday's Michael Jackson-a-palooza was the final effort by those around him to manipulate and use the tragic figure that was MJ for personal financial gain. None of the "celebrity" figures that appeared in that show did it because they were such great friends with Michael Jackson. They did it to get in on the show, man. Good friends don't grieve for the public, in front of 20,000 spectators, and millions of TV-viewers. Good friends don't hoist the poor guy's (golden?) casket up for everyone to gawk at.

I didn't watch the spectacle, but you couldn't avoid the press coverage so I did see a few clips. It was disgusting.

And the hypocracy of it all was equally appalling. Most of the people appearing on that stage would not be caught (on film) in the presence of Michael Jackson for the last 10-15 years. Jesse Jackson wrapping himself around the Jackson Family like a gigantic leech. As if. Wherever there are hot lights, Jesse will not be far. Al Sharpton saying there was nothing strange about Michael Jackson. It was the rest of us who didn't understand. Didn't understand what, Al? Why a 40 year old Michael Jackson paid a family $20 million to settle child molestation charges out of court? Why an adult Michael Jackson had sleepover parties with pre-pubescent boys? But, Michael Jackson was a poor tortured soul. So, all this should go away. He was a genius. So, forget the rest of it. We just don't understand . . . according to the good Reverend Al.

There are many things that are great about our country. Yesterday's show was not one of them.


1 comment:

  1. Vale Michael Jackson.MJ was a talent that we may not see again.I guess none of us will fully understand him.In the end his music will live on as it reminds us of times when we were younger.MJ and I were born in the same year..the only difference is that I grew up and he never did.RIP Michael.
